Archive for November, 2013

Low-tech Ick

Posted in FILM with tags , , on November 30, 2013 by dcairns

Low-tech ickiness from a Hong Kong manga adaptation, THE PEACOCK KING (1988). Groovy combination of stop-motion animation and full-scale live-action physical effects. Combinations of different media can sometimes get a little icky in their own way, but I think this is pretty good work. A mixture of performance (the actor moving in jerks to smooth the transition to model animation); camerawork (post-TETSUO spasmocam, like the film itself is having a fit); AMERICAN WEREWOLF type prosthetics, bladder effects etc; and stop motion for when the character becomes definitively non-humanoid — they manage to keep the camera moving even then, though, which is impressive; and maybe there’s even a distorting mirror effect to fake the neck stretching?; and of course the gruesome sound effects help sell it.

Oh, maybe don’t watch over breakfast?

Triple (or Quadruple?) Agent

Posted in FILM, literature, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , on November 29, 2013 by dcairns


Just finished reading Agent Zigzag by Ben MacIntyre, the true story of Eddie Chapman, a career criminal who enjoyed an astonishing second career during WWII. He was in prison on the island of Jersey when it was conquered by the Nazis, and offered his services to the Abwehr, the German secret service. Parachuted into Britain as a spy, he immediately surrendered himself to the Brits and offered to spy on his spymasters back in the Third Reich. MI5 were able to make him look like a successful intelligence agent and saboteur, before sending him back to collect data from the Germans while pretending to give them data. The Germans then returned Chapman to the UK for further espionage work, during which he fed them misinformation which may have diverted German rockets from central London and caused U-boats to sail nearer the surface to avoid imaginary depth charges with “proximity fuses.” Staying nearer the surface, the U-boats could of course be more easily destroyed by the British navy.

I have a keen, though non-practicing, interest in espionage, so this was catnip to me. But Chapman’s story also has numerous cinematic connections, as it turns out. In London before the war, Chapman was a member of a notorious “jelly gang,” which sounds like something I’d have wanted to be part of when I was seven. If you’d told me that jelly in this case was high explosives (gelignite) I’d have been even more keen. Splashing about his ill-earned income, Chapman mingled with high-steppers such as Noel Coward and future James Bond director Terence Young. Better still, when British intelligence were considering employing Chapman, they invited Young, now an intelligence officer in the Home Forces, to assess him. “One could give him the most difficult of missions,” estimated Young, “knowing that he would carry it out and that he would never betray the official who sent him, but that it was highly probable he would, incidentally, rob the official who sent him out … He would then carry out his [mission] and return to the official whom he had robbed to report.”

Chapman’s U-boat deception op may have also involved another British intelligence officer, Ian Fleming. Poetically, this certainly ought to be true.

Post-war, Chapman returned to thievery and conspiring to defeat the ends of justice, whereas Young directed DR. NO and FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE, patterning Sean Connery’s appearance and manner upon his own, down to the square handkerchief in the jacket pocket (a look distinct from the more conventional protruding triangle).


Later still, Young directed TRIPLE CROSS, a hughly fictionalized account of Chapman’s WWII adventures, with Christopher Plummer as the spiv-turned-spy.

Meanwhile, Anthony Faramus who had been jailed in Jersey along with Chapman, and volunteered to spy alongside him, has his own cinematic side. The Germans saw no use for the rather frail Faramus, and shipped him to Buchenwald and then Mauthausen. Against all the odds, he survived, though he lost a lung and seven ribs. After the war he became a film extra and appears as a POW in THE COLDITZ STORY. Then he traveled to Hollywood… and became Clark Gable’s butler.

There’s more, much more, in MacIntyre’s cracking book — I particularly like the stuff about Jasper Maskelyne, stage magician and secret agent, an expert at disguising things from the air to deceive German planes…

Agent Zigzag: The True Wartime Story of Eddie Chapman: The Most Notorious Double Agent of World War II

No — not Arthur Davidson!

Posted in FILM with tags , , , , , , on November 28, 2013 by dcairns


While Scout Tafoya keeps the Cannes flame alive with the latest edition of our ’68 Comeback Special (which means I’ll be doing one next week during the Late Movies Blogathon — how will I do it? stay tuned!), dealing with Bahrudin Cengic’s PLAYING SOLDIERS, over at The Forgotten I’m just mucking about this time, with Arthur Davidson/Jose Luis Madrid’s THE HORRIBLE SEXY VAMPIRE. Drop in and assess the shits/giggles ratio.