Archive for November 24, 2018

Busy, Busy, Busy

Posted in FILM with tags , , , , on November 24, 2018 by dcairns

I’m quite chuffed with the expressions of interest so far in The Late Show: The Late Movies Blogathon. But no harm in reminding you all that it’s happening and encouraging more of you to get involved. Late movies from directors, actors, writers, cinematographers, studios, interpret it as you will.

I’m thinking Fiona and I should record a Shadowcast for the occasion too.

Meanwhile, I can announce another video essay, this one attached to Arrow’s Blu-Ray release of BOB AND CAROL AND TED AND ALICE. “This might be our best ever,” observed editor Timo Langer as we reviewed our work. And it’s out in time for Christmas!

With new editor Alex Starr I’ve also made an extra for BORN YESTERDAY, which was a real pleasure, though also a tricky one. That one will appear in the New Year.

Next up: to London in early December to interview a TRUE FILM LUMINARY. More soon.

Image and title of this post from THE WHALES OF AUGUST.