Archive for May, 2016

Sheep Shape

Posted in FILM with tags , , , , , on May 19, 2016 by dcairns


BLACK SHEEP is an obscure Fox picture from Allan Dwan which is suprirsingly solid, amusing, charming, and touching.

Trivia: one of the stars is Adrienne Ames (pictured, left). She married actor Bruce Cabot. According to the IMDb ~

“In 1938 the pair appeared before a US Tax Appeals Board to explain why she wrote off more than $9000 in wardrobe and jewelry on her 1934 tax form, which she claimed was necessary for “professional reasons” (as was her maid). She claimed that her “daily expenses” included flowers, massages, taxis and beauty work.”

This is somehow perfect — the way she plays her role in BLACK SHEEP is entirely consistent with her real-life behaviour! “Stay away from that vampire,” advises Edmund Lowe.

I made this cute little picture the subject of this fortnight’s Forgotten.

At the Notebook.

On Sale Now

Posted in Comics, FILM with tags , , , on May 18, 2016 by dcairns


Tickets are now on sale for POW!!! — the retrospective of comic-book-inspired movies programmed by Niall Greig Fulton and yours truly. I’m also starting to put together materials for Origin Story, the lecture/event/show we’re doing charting the whole history of live action comic book adaptation in the cinema. It’s long/richer/stranger than I thought — I didn’t realize until yesterday that the first screen drama, as well as the first screen comedy (same film), is a comic adaptation…

HIGHLANDER. screening as an anniversary event, sold out in a day, so you might want to move faster than a speeding bullet.

World Premiere

Posted in FILM with tags , on May 17, 2016 by dcairns

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Creative Scotland announced today, in Cannes no less, that among the Scottish films screening at Edinburgh International Film Festival in June this year will be my own humble short, THE NORTHLEACH HORROR, starring Freddie Fox (pictured) and thin friend (also pictured). We’re all very excited!

Guess we’d better finish the damn thing now.