Archive for sexy


Posted in FILM with tags , , , , , , , on April 3, 2009 by dcairns


Ever since watching FIEND WITHOUT A FACE I’ve been unhealthily obsessed with Kim Parker, and since she isn’t in many other movies, there’s nothing I can do with this obsession except post a sexy picture of her for no reason. I found this on one or other of the internets, but now I can’t find it again. Fortunately I saved the pic so I know it wasn’t just a wonderful dream.

Fiona remarked on Kim’s “intelligent quality,” which is no doubt what interests me. Her face moves about, seemingly motivated by spontaneous eruptions of emotion and intellect, unlike everybody else in FWAF. Her body moves about too, which I couldn’t help noticing, repeatedly.

The Kim Parker oeuvre:

FIRE MAIDENS FROM OUTER SPACE is an offering from Billy Wilder’s brother, William (curious lack of imagination from the Wilder parents), hence no doubt terrible beyond words. Kim is way down the cast, but does have a foxy outfit.

THE GOOD COMPANIONS is by J. Lee Thompson, so may be of some merit. Kim plays one of the Three Graces, along with Shirley Anne Field — a small and possibly non-speaking part, but the costuming has possibilities.

In her other role, Kim was a maid or secretary, or a “Sinhalese girl”, so I don’t think there’s much hope there. She’s great in FIEND WITHOUT A FACE, but somehow nobody noticed, or else she found better things to do — her last film role was a bit-part the following year.