The Sunday Intertitle: Fit as a Fiddle and Ready for Love


Emil Jannings preposterously proposes himself trapeze-ready in an intertitle from E.A. Dupont’s fabled VARIETE, which will be wowing them at the Bo’ness Hippodrome Festival of Silent Cinema on March 19th. Attendees will receive a programme note written by myself.

What else? Ah yes, limericks, on various Nosferatus (Nosferati?) at Limerwrecks, herehere, here and here and a collaborative one (I contributed four syllables) here.

And — another look behind the scenes of THE NORTHLEACH HORROR. This time, meet the gaffer:

THE NORTHLEACH HORROR – Behind the Scenes Part 2 from Dave Jack on Vimeo.

If you’re lovely and would like to contribute to our Indiegogo campaign — funding to help enhance Jane Gardner’s score and Danny Carr and Garry Marshall’s amazing special effects and the sound design — go here. There are exciting prizes to be won and access to be gleaned!

Oh, and MAYBE I’ll watch the Oscars tonight, and MAYBE I’ll do some of that live-blogging.

12 Responses to “The Sunday Intertitle: Fit as a Fiddle and Ready for Love”

  1. Will Freddie Fox be reprising his role if a film or tv series is made

  2. 1) Yes, we have a feature script and a series proposal, both to star the fantastic Mr. Fox. Just heard from him, in fact — he’s just landed the role of a lifetime, of which more later.

    2) If you think the Oscars are a snoozefest in LA, try watching them over here at 4 in the morning! But apparently that’s what I’m going to do…

  3. I hope so – about time Freddie got the role(s) he deserves – a brilliant actor!

  4. He is — smart, imaginative, overwhelmingly positive and energetic, and riveting onscreen.

  5. Yes, but they’re four critical syllables.

  6. Fingers crossed on this getting a feature or series deal but I literally need to know what this role of a lifetime is right now or I may expire. Don’t let me expire. Is it film/theatre/tv?? Hints? I’ll take anything.

  7. I think it’s probably OK to say it’s a film. Otherwise, I better not say, I don’t know how secret it may be.

  8. Thank you, I suppose I’ll keep breathing! V. exciting. I’d love to see Northleach as a TV series, genre seems to be a hard sell sometimes but when it hits the right audience it can be the biggest success.

  9. John Seal Says:

    Coming VERY late to this, but Meet the Gaffer sounds like an Edgar Wallace novel.

  10. Followed by Night of the Gaffer, Return of the Gaffer, Hand of the Gaffer and The Gaffer Dims Again.

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