Waxing Lyrical


Frame-grabs from Oscar Oskar Fischinger’s animated WAX EXPERIMENTS.

What he would do, Mr. F, is he would melt different colour of wax together until he had a big cake of the stuff under his rostrum camera. Then he’d shave different layers off with a razor, exposing one frame at a time, to end up with a rippling, marbled effect as the different tones were exposed.


The effect is a cross between a weather formation and a medical condition — kind of disturbing as it ripples and throbs and spreads — also undeniably beautiful.



5 Responses to “Waxing Lyrical”

  1. Love Fischinger’s work! Are these frame grabs from a DVD?

  2. No, just a thing I found. I’m sure he’s collected on various experimental/animation compilations, but I don’t know if there’s one big box set.

    Should’ve thought of the matmos!

  3. […] Frame-grabs from Oscar Fischinger’s animated Wax Experiments – What he would do, Mr. F, is he would melt different colour of wax together until he had a big cake of the stuff under his rostrum camera. Then he’d shave different layers off with a razor, exposing one frame at a time, to end up with a rippling, marbled effect as the different tones were exposed. […]

  4. Oskar Fischinger DVD is at http://www.centerforvisualmusic.org/DVD.htm

    Note his name is spelled Oskar with a K

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