
It is apparently international Day of the Dog, which by curious coincidence is what I am as sick as.

Here is some nice 30s typography from Michael Powell’s charming quota quickie SOMETHING ALWAYS HAPPENS.

More tomorrow.

5 Responses to “Something”

  1. Simon Kane Says:

    Be well soon please!

  2. Thanks (cough).

  3. Edited by Warners’ Ralph Dawson! I wonder if they sent him out to the UK for the gig or just had the reels shipped to Hollywood?

  4. I suspect the latter — if Dawson had cut a bunch of British films around this time it’d make sense to believe he was sent to the UK, but he didn’t. The film has a lovely Warners pace, and Brock Williams’ script makes each scene cue the next in a way that’s almost Langian, and contributes greatly to the sense of rush.

  5. Mike Clelland Says:

    That is beautiful lettering.

    We have lost so much in this all digital era.

    Thank you!

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